Grease traps are designed to perform reliably for many years, but many grease traps develop problems as they get older. When grease trap problems come up, it can be a major inconvenience in commercial kitchens and other food preparation facilities.

Understanding some common grease trap problems can help you deal with the issues as effectively as possible.

Keep reading to learn more about the importance of grease traps and the most common issues related to grease traps.

Why are Grease Traps Required?

The grease traps have been in use since the victorian days. If you have to explain the mechanism, then in simple terms, these boxes are positioned within the wastewater drain and run from the sinks and the appliances in a kitchen to the foul sewer system. The main purpose of a grease trap is to collect and reduce the number of fats, oils, and grease that join the main sewers. Grease entering the main sewer system will create over time blockages, pest infection, and foul odors.

These are designed only to have kitchen wastewater flowing through them, and they should never have wastewater from other drainage system sources such as toilets.

The effectiveness of the grease trap depends upon several factors, including kitchen location, drainage system, size, and kitchen practice.

What are the Most Common Grease Trap Issues?

Grease trap problems tend to be more typical as the devices get older, but they can happen to grease traps of any age. Here are some of the most common grease trap problems and some tips on how to fix them:

1. Drainage issues with a clean trap

If the grease trap is clean, and you are still experiencing drainage issues, the flow restrictor might be to blame. It is designed to let the water move into the grease trap and prevent it from being overloaded with water. These parts often become coated with grease, fat, and oil.

As these substances harden, they will create a residue around the flow restrictor that will block the drainage. When these components are damaged, they might prevent effective drainage.

Schedule an appointment with your local area expert today for grease trap cleaning in Washington.

2. Clogged pipes

If everything with your grease trap and drain is fine, but there are still some problems with the pipes, your plumbing clogs might be to blame.

These clogs can happen when the grease traps are completely damaged or overflowing, allowing the oil, fat, and kitchen grease to flow past the drain and into the outgoing plumbing line.

The full grease trap commonly causes this issue, and it is important to maintain grease traps regularly. Get the grease trap repaired in Tacoma WA, and clear out all other issues including clogged pipes.


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3. Water backups

One of the most common issues with the grease trap is water backing up in the system. The clogged grease trap almost always causes it, and it can be resolved by cleaning the grease trap. Until and unless it is cleaned, the water will likely continue backing up and cause problems in the commercial kitchen and your home. Because of how disruptive water backups can be, it would be best to invest in scheduled grease trap cleanings.


For professional help with scheduled grease trap cleanings, reach out to your local grease trap cleaning service providers. They have been providing services of grease trap repair, and continue this legacy to develop prominence for the quality of services and the satisfaction of their customers. Their team will inspect your grease trap and do their best to get to the bottom of the issue and provide effective solutions.

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